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Echinacea * (Echinacea)

Echinacea * (Echinacea)


• It is known as the immune herb. Strengthens and stimulates the immune system.

• Improves the function of tissues, especially the bone marrow, thymus and spleen

• It is used at the very beginning of an infection to “wake up” the immune system and allow it to fight the infection quickly.

• Echinacea can be used preventively over short periods of time to put the immune system on high alert at times when the risk of infection is greatest (1 to 2 weeks).

• Purifies the blood and is anti-inflammatory (in small doses in one formulation)

• Useful in cases of arthritis and rheumatism.

• Useful for colds, flu, pneumonia and others.

• Strengthens cells.

• Very useful in conditions of blood poisoning.

• Excellent for cancers, boils, tumors, abscesses etc. (small dose in one formulation)

• Great in urinary tract infections and inflammation.

• Useful in prostate conditions.

Parts used: roots and rhizomes (E. angustifolia and E. purpurea), flowers and leaves (E. purpurea)

Properties: immunostimulant, antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, bifidogen, mild diaphoretic, detoxifying and blood alterative.

Contraindications: prolonged use, autoimmune diseases, AIDS / HIV, taking immunosuppressants, hepato-toxic medication

    100 Grams
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