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Image by Elena Mozhvilo
Increases resistance to stress in all its forms, facilitates the adaptability of the organism in difficult situations. Acts mainly at the glandular and hormonal level (adrenals, pituitary, pancreas), rather non-specifically
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • A powerful tonic and adaptogen known as Indian ginseng, ashwagandha is useful in cases of deficiency and anemia (it is rich in iron), emaciation, nervous fatigue and chronic exhaustion.
  • It acts as an immune system regulator and helps treat insomnia problems as a nerve tonic.
  • Also anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It is also known to be an aphrodisiac.
(Codonopsis pilosula)
  • Adaptogen and immune tonic used for a long time in the Chinese tradition (where it is called dang shen), codonopsis is particularly suitable for regaining strength following illness, burn-out, depression, as well as for all conditions of weakness, including children and seniors.
  • It is considered as such as one of the great tonics of chi.
  • Also tonic for the mucous membranes, codonopsis increases appetite and improves absorption.
  • It is therefore useful for all irritation problems of the digestive system (inflammation, ulcers) as well as for people who want to gain weight.
  • It is also traditionally used against anemia, as it helps to significantly increase the level of red blood cells.
  • What's more, research has shown its long-term effectiveness in promoting memory and concentration.
(Cordyceps mycelia)
  • A medicinal mushroom once reserved for the sole emperor of China, cordyceps demonstrates a powerful anti-tumor action, as well as a restorative action on the kidneys.
  • It is therefore used to regress tumors and in renal failure. Adaptogen too.
  • Eleutherococcus / Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus)
Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
  • Adaptogenic plant, stimulating for young people and tonic for the elderly.
  • Gives a boost of energy and increases memory (nice synergy with ginkgo for this purpose).
  • Renowned aphrodisiac
(Siberian ginseng)
  • One of the fabulous herbs for the endocrine glands, especially the adrenal glands
  • Increases the production of neurotransmitters and steroids
  • Improves vitality and endurance
  • Used for chronic fatigue and loss of energy
  • Helps strengthen the immune system
  • Increase circulation by lowering cholesterol
  • Strengthens the pancreas and helps control blood sugar
  • Helps reduce emotional, mental and physical stress
  • Strengthens heart rate
  • Used in asthma, emphysema and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) disorders in which an adrenal gland is involved.
  • A tonic for the whole body
Parts used: Roots
Properties: adaptogen, tonic, nervous tonic, immune tonic.
Contraindications: arterial hypertension, acute infection, insulin intake, risk of interaction with several drugs.
Fo-ti (Polygonum multiflorum)
  • A superb adaptogen and a powerful antioxidant, fo-ti is traditionally used in Chinese medicine to nourish the liver, kidneys, blood and jing (our vital essence).
  • It is known to slow down the natural aging process, especially hair discoloration.
  • Recent studies have shown its neuroprotective properties which slow down brain degeneration (among other things, it inhibits the formation of senile plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease) and promotes mental acuity and memory.
  • It is a beautiful basic tonic for vital energy and especially the lack of libido.
  • In this regard, it can be associated with ashwagandha.
  • Fo-ti is usually made by steaming it with black bean broth.
  • This process makes it more easily assimilated and reduces its laxative aspect (it contains anthraquinones, such as senna and buckthorn).
  • It is also used in Japan for chronic inflammatory bowel problems.
  • Legend has it that a three hundred year old root will make a man (and woman!) Immortal!
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum
  • A mushroom highly valued by Chinese medicine, reishi is an adaptogen, an anti-oxidant, a deep immune tonic and a hepatoprotector.
  • An excellent ally to prepare for the cold season, to get through more stressful or difficult times, to support people with cancer or HIV, to treat autoimmune diseases and allergy problems.
  • Renowned for improving vital energy and sharpening the mind.
  • A powerful immune stimulant
  • Helps lower cholesterol and increase circulation
  • Helps control blood sugar
  • Helps the body to regenerate in degenerative diseases
  • Stimulates the production of T and B cells and NK lymphocytes
  • Known to improve heart and liver functions
  • Used in cancer and AIDS
  • Effective against abscesses, boils and tumors
  • Helps reduce swelling of lymph nodes Increases fibroblasts, macrophages and lymphocytes May promote steroid production due to its beneficial effect on adrenal glands
Parts used: All mushrooms
Properties: Immune tonic, nervous tonic, immunomodulatory.
Contraindications: taking antihypertensives, anticoagulants / anticoagulants
Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea)
  • As an adaptogen and nerve tonic, rhodiola stimulates mental faculties, helps overcome fatigue and increases resistance to stress.
  • It will be appreciated in cases of professional exhaustion, severe fatigue and depression, as well as during examinations.
  • Antioxidant, it also acts as a cardioprotector and neuroprotector.
  • Also immune stimulant and antiviral.
Schizandra (Schizandra sinensis)
  • Considered a superior tonic in Chinese medicine, schizandra (the berry of five flavors) is adaptogenic, general tonic and hepatoprotective.
  • It increases resistance to stress, calms an overly restless mind while increasing intellectual acuity (memory and concentration), treats chronic fatigue and depressive states, protects the liver, increases libido and fertility.
Shitake (Lentinus edodes)
  • Shiitake is a mushroom rich in vitamins and minerals that is easily integrated into the diet.
  • Adaptogen and antioxidant, it is used in case of exhaustion, in cancer prevention, to restore vitality and longevity.


Address: 5 rue du cumulus
Postal address: J9A3P4
Number: 514-791-4820


> Organic herbs & spices

>   Organic herbs and spices

Ayoub Naturopathe is specialized in naturopathic advice related to herbs, spices and medicinal plants for your health.

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