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Green Plant
Calms anxiety. Reduces anxiety and panic attacks, as well as the physiological effects they cause.
  • Is the "great grass for the heart"; cardiac tonic par excellence.
  • Acts specifically on the tissues of the heart and the vascular system; it regenerates the cells of the heart, protects it, improves the strength of the heartbeat and decreases or regulates the heartbeat.
  • Useful in hypertension and hypotension Strengthens vascular walls, therefore very good for the regeneration of varicose veins, hemorrhoids and prolapse.
  • Helps to dissolve lipid deposits, therefore improves blood circulation; useful for arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis.
  • Also useful for nervous problems (insomnia, stress, nervousness, anxiety, depression, bereavement, PMS) especially if it is related to an emotional problem.
  • Has a soothing action on the heart at the energy level.
  • Anti-inflammatory action specific to the blood circulation (hearts, blood vessels, capillaries).
  • The fruit, rich in flavonoids, has a more nutritive and antioxidant action.
Botanical name: Crataegus spp
Parts used: Leaves and flowers, fruits
Properties: cardiac tonic and cardiac trophorestorative, coronary vasodilator, cardioprotector, antihypertensive, anti-arrhythmic, antioxidant, parasympathomimetic, anti-inflammatory of the blood circulation, hypocholesterolemic, diuretic, relaxant, mild anxiolytic, mild sedative.
Contraindications: Be careful with conventional drugs for heart disease.
  • Excellent tonic for the heart.
  • Specialist in heart and nervous problems.
  • Helps reduce palpitations and arrhythmias.
  • Used in all heart disorders including: atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, EVC (premature ventricular contraction), atrial contraction, tachycardia and heart failure; hypertension.
  • Useful for arteriosclerosis accompanied by anxiety.
  • Plant of choice for states of shock, to defuse panic attacks and to support life's moments that generate anxiety.
  • For all states of stress, nervousness and anxiety, especially if they are accompanied by palpitations.
  • Used for disorders of the female reproductive system such as delayed menstruation (with reason for anxiety), menstrual cramps and hot flashes of menopause (especially heat at night).
  • Motherwort is very helpful during childbirth, especially in cases where you need to calm the fear associated with childbirth.
  • It relaxes the uterine muscle and improves contractions.
Botanical name: Leonurus cardiaca
Parts used: flowering tops
Properties: anxiolytic, sympatholytic, cardiac tonic, cardio-sedative, anti-arrhythmia, antihypertensive, antispasmodic, uterotonic, emmenagogue, oxytocic, bitter tonic, anti-hyperthyroid.
Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding (low dose ok), hypotension, taking medication for the blood, heart or blood pressure (anticoagulants / anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, antianginal drugs, antiarrhythmics, antihypertensives; CNS depressants (sedatives, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, hypnotics, anticonvulsants, antihistamines.
  • Nerve tonic par excellence.
  • Skullcap calms without being overly sedating, so it can be taken during the day without problems.
  • Helps in the feeling of well-being and calms the restless mind.
  • One of the fabulous herbs for the brain, spine and nervous system Strengthens and restores the brain and nervous system.
  • A powerful nervine, sedative and antispasmodic.
  • Used for spasms, cramps, convulsions, etc.
  • Beneficial in cases of insomnia (in combination with more sedating herbs) and restlessness.
  • A specific herb for multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and paralysis.
  • Strengthens the bone marrow, therefore used for dizziness and lightheadedness Beneficial for spinal cord damage Used to relieve withdrawal symptoms (drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, addictions).
  • Helps calm excess. Revives the amorphous.
  • Slightly bitter, it is useful in case of digestive disorders linked to stress.
  • Its calming and antispasmodic actions make it an ally of choice in cases of PMS and menstrual pain.
Botanical name: Scutellaria lateriflora
Parts used: Flowering tops.
Properties: Nerve tonic, trophorestaurator of nerve cells, relaxant, sedative, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, antihypertensive, mild anxiolytic, antioxidant, analgesic (in high dose).
Contraindications: taking antidepressants, anxiolytics and sleeping pills (cumulative effects)
  • This herb has calmed a lot of nerves over the years.
  • A powerful nervine and a natural sedative.
  • Useful for anxiety (adrenals), nervous tension, muscle spasms, seizures and depression (thyroid).
  • It is said to be a heart tonic because it helps regulate heart palpitations.
  • Beneficial in hyperactivity.
  • Helps reduce hypertension due to stress and tension.
  • Helps strengthen the brain and nervous tissue.
  • Beneficial for colic, gas and indigestion resulting from functional dyspepsia.
Botanical name: Valeriana officinalis
Parts used: Roots (in the fall of the 2nd year)
Properties: central nervous system depressant, anxiolytic, hypnotic, analgesic, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, warming, digestive, carminative, anti-hypertensive.
Contraindications: take benzodiazepines, babiturics or other sedatives


Address: 5 rue du cumulus
Postal address: J9A3P4
Number: 514-791-4820


> Organic herbs & spices

>   Organic herbs and spices

Ayoub Naturopathe is specialized in naturopathic advice related to herbs, spices and medicinal plants for your health.

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