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  • Plant of sweetness, the marshmallow soothes irritations wherever it goes.
  • Useful for irritation of the respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts.
  • Ideal for gastritis, enteritis, colitis, diverticulitis, ulcer and cancer of the digestive tract.
  • The mucilages help the food bolus to slide more easily through the digestive tract.
  • Due to its great mucilaginous properties, it covers and protects the mucous membrane from damage caused by free radicals (acids).
  • Neutralizes the overproduction of stomach acids, therefore improves digestion Ideal for cystitis, prostatitis and inflammation of the urinary tract
  • Enriches breast milk Very effective in relieving teething.
  • Helps heal wounds, especially burns Very effective for gangrene
  • Especially useful in cases of cough, laryngitis, swelling of the tonsils (tonsillitis), as well as congestion and inflammation of the respiratory system Excellent for arthritis and rheumatism. Useful for diabetes.
  • Excellent eye wash as it helps soothe and heal irritated eyes Ideal for all vaginal issues
  • Useful for boils, abscesses and skin problems Very useful as a gargle for swollen, inflamed and infected gums
Botanical name: Althaea officinalis
Parts used: Roots (very powerful), leaves and flowers
Properties: Emollient, mucilaginous, adsorbent / extirpant, moisturizer, anti-inflammatory of the skin and mucous membranes, pectoral, galactogenic, mucogenic, hypoglycemic, mild laxative, expectorant, relaxing, nutritious
Contraindications: simultaneous medication, excess mucus,
  • Number 1 in skin conditions of all kinds.
  • Its alternative action promotes the elimination of toxins.
  • Useful for eczema, psoriasis, acne.
  • Alternative used for the treatment of cancer.
  • Reduces joint swelling.
  • Helps in detoxification .
  • Burdock removes mucus and toxins from the body.
  • Promotes urinary flow and perspiration.
  • Promotes kidney function and helps eliminate acid buildup in the body, especially uric, phosphoric and sulfuric acids.
  • The leaves are considered by many to be the best for burns.
Botanical name: Arctium lappa
Parts used: leaves, roots and seeds
Properties: altering, chelating, anti-carcinogenic, mutagenic, bifidogenic, nutritive, glycemoregulatory, cholagogue, choleretic, emollient, bacteriostatic, mucosal tonic, anti-tumor, alternatives, anti-inflammatory, antiscorbutic, astringent (mild to medium), depurative, diaphoretic, lipotropic, gastric tonics, sedatives.
Contraindications: pregnancy, taking insulin Increase the doses gradually to avoid a healing crisis or use with a depurative plant. Dandelion root goes very well with burdock An excellent cleanser and tonic for the liver An incomparable blood and lymphatic cleanser. Cleans, which improves the efficiency of the immune system.
  • Powerful antiseptic and urinary cleanser. Avoid anything that is acidifying to the urine as bearberry is active in an alkaline environment.

  • Helpful in eliminating kidney stones, it prevents infection from setting in.

  • An excellent herb for the prostate (especially for prostatitis and prostate cancer) Is a diuretic Useful in eliminating bedwetting.

  • Used in douches against infections and vaginal disorders Soothes, strengthens and tones the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system (especially the kidneys and bladder) Used for cases of urethritis, cystitis, nephritis, incontinence and urinary tract ulceration Serve with an emollient herb to prevent irritation.

Botanical name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi


Parts used: Leaves


Properties: specific urinary antiseptic (antibiotic, antimicrobial), diuretic, lithotritic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, oxytocic.


Contraindications: prolonged use (mutagenic and carcinogenic), pregnancy, renal failure, breastfeeding, young children.

  • Powerful circulatory stimulant, Cayenne cleanses, warms and releases toxins from the blood and circulates.
  • May be irritating to the digestive tract.
  • Useful in healing ulcers.
  • Used with compresses to push the herbs into the tissues.
  • Treats shocks.
  • Stimulates in calm.
  • Useful for arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia.
  • Used in cases of high pressure due to its vascular expansion properties.
  • Also useful for hypotension as it activates blood circulation.
  • Excellent in cold weather.
  • It helps to warm and bring heat to the extremities (Raynaud's syndrome, arthritis).
  • Use internally and externally (ointment, compress).
  • In combination with anti-inflammatory herbs, very useful in reducing musculoskeletal inflammation (arthritis, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, bursitis).
  • Useful in all conditions where there is stagnation of blood.
  • Venous insufficiency, varicose veins and hemorrhoids, amenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, menstrual pain.
  • Stimulates digestive fire.
  • Helps to slow down digestion and indigestion.
  • Improves the assimilation of nutrients.
  • However, it also creates mucus, do not use over long periods of time or use only as an adjuvant / catalyst in small doses.
Botanical name: Capsicum annuum or Capsicum frutescens.
Used to stop bleeding (the powder directly on the wound).
Very effective in heart attacks.
Parts used: fruits and seeds
Properties: Circulatory stimulant, warming, hot diaphoretic, cholesterol lowering, arterial, capillary and venous fortifying and sanitizing, alternative to blood, catalyst, thermal regulator, rubefacient, stomachic, sialagogue, analgesic (topical use), antiseptic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti- inflammatory.
Contraindications: acid reflux, heartburn, stomach ulcers, inflammation of the stomach, irritable intestines. Not dangerous, but can cause a lot of discomfort. Be careful with taking medication as this can increase the rate of absorption
  • This herb activates estrogen receptors and has estrogenic properties
  • Used in female conditions where there is vaginal dryness, absence of menstruation and infertility.
  • Stimulates the production of estrogen.
  • Contracts the uterus and increases menstrual flow.
  • Useful for amenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, pain during ovulation.
  • Do not use estrogen-dominant women with cysts, fibroids, and fibrocystic conditions.
  • Useful for menopause if accompanied by depressed mood, joint pain, vaginal dryness, headache, dizziness, and palpitations.
  • Known to help release mucus in the lungs.
  • Known to be a tonic for the central nervous system (CNS). 12
Botanical name: Cimicifuga racemosa
Parts used: rhizomes and root
Properties: emmenagogue, selective estrogen modulator, uterine tonic, oxytocic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic
Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, hormone-dependent cancer, hormone therapy, hypotension.
  • Is the "great grass for the heart"; cardiac tonic par excellence.
  • Acts specifically on the tissues of the heart and the vascular system; it regenerates the cells of the heart, protects it, improves the strength of the heartbeat and decreases or regulates the heartbeat.
  • Useful in hypertension and hypotension Strengthens vascular walls, therefore very good for the regeneration of varicose veins, hemorrhoids and prolapse.
  • Helps to dissolve lipid deposits, therefore improves blood circulation; useful for arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis.
  • Also useful for nervous problems (insomnia, stress, nervousness, anxiety, depression, bereavement, PMS) especially if it is related to an emotional problem.
  • Has a soothing action on the heart at the energy level.
  • Anti-inflammatory action specific to the blood circulation (hearts, blood vessels, capillaries).
  • The fruit, rich in flavonoids, has a more nutritive and antioxidant action.
Botanical name: Crataegus spp
Parts used: Leaves and flowers, fruits
Properties: cardiac tonic and cardiac trophorestorative, coronary vasodilator, cardioprotector, antihypertensive, anti-arrhythmic, antioxidant, parasympathomimetic, anti-inflammatory of the blood circulation, hypocholesterolemic, diuretic, relaxant, mild anxiolytic, mild sedative.
Contraindications: Be careful with conventional drugs for heart disease.
Organic Tumeric
  • An ancient herb used for liver and blood problems.
  • Stimulates the production and circulation of bile
  • Helps dissolve and remove sediment from the liver
  • Has antiparasitic properties, especially against protozoa
  • Helps increase circulation.
  • Beneficial for the whole digestive tract.
  • Has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, therefore very useful in arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, etc.
  • Helps digestion
  • Promotes healing
  • Botanical name: Curcuma longa
  • Parts used: Rhizomes
  • Properties: anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiplatelet, anticoagulant, cholagogue, emmenagogue, antioxidant
  • Contraindications: gallstones and other disorders of the gallbladder, taking anticoagulants / anticoagulants, pregnancy (therapeutic dose)
  • It is known as the immune herb.
  • Strengthens and stimulates the immune system.
  • Improves the function of tissues, especially the bone marrow, thymus and spleen.
  • It is used at the very onset of infection to 'wake up' the immune system and allow it to fight infection quickly.
  • Echinacea can be used preventatively over short periods of time to put the immune system on alert when the risk of infection is greatest (1 to 2 weeks).
  • Purifies the blood and is anti-inflammatory (in small doses in one formulation) Useful in arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Useful for colds, flu, pneumonia and others.
  • Strengthens cells.
  • Very useful in case of blood poisoning.
  • Excellent for cancers, boils, tumors, abscesses, etc. (in small doses in one formulation).
  • Excellent in infections and inflammation of the urinary tract.
  • Useful in prostate conditions.
  • Botanical name: Echinacea angustifolia or Echinacea purpurea
  • Parts used: roots and rhizomes (E. angustifolia and E. purpurea), flowers and leaves (E. purpurea)
  • Properties: immunostimulant, antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, bifidogen, mild diaphoretic, detoxifying and altering the blood.
  • Contraindications: prolonged use, autoimmune diseases, AIDS / HIV, taking immunosuppressants, hepato-toxic drugs
GAILLET Gratteron
  • One of the best lymphatic herbs.
  • Helps dissolve lymphatic congestion.
  • Brings freshness and humidity to dry and inflamed tissues.
  • Useful in swollen lymph nodes, abscesses, boils, tumors, etc.
  • An exceptional blood cleanser.
  • Has diuretic properties and helps dissolve sediment in the kidneys and bladder.
  • A powerful herb to cleanse the skin.
  • Excellent for eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.
  • Ensure good intestinal elimination and that there is no hepatic engorgement to avoid healing crises.
  • Helps eliminate upper respiratory tract ailments (sinuses, throat, lungs, etc.).
  • Cleanses the post-infection lymphatic network.
  • Helps to tone, cleanse and strengthen the body.
  • Useful in all cases of cancer.
  • Useful in urinary tube obstructions.
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties and is very useful for all inflammatory conditions.
Botanical name: Galium aparine
Parts used: whole grass, especially the leaves.
Properties: Lymphatic and renal tonic, altering, dissolving, diuretic, astringent, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor
Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding

  • One of the best herbs for the brain and nervous system

  • Improves cerebrovascular insufficiency

  • Used across the world for memory loss and dizziness


  • Strengthens the heart and vascular system

  • Increases blood flow to tissues

  • Used for tinnitus

  • Beneficial for fibromyalgia

  • Very beneficial for hemorrhoids, telangiectasias and varicose veins

  • Helpful for carpal tunnel syndrome

  • One of the best natural tonics, especially for the neurological system

Botanical name: Ginkgo biloba

Parts used: Leaves (harvested in the fall)

Properties: Circulatory tonic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antioxidant

  • Stimulates and supports the adrenal glands.
  • Its action is very powerful, small doses are sufficient.
  • Natural anti-inflammatory steroid (cortisone, etc.) that does not interfere with the production of steroids by the adrenals
  • Helps increase the production of steroids and neurotransmitters
  • Has antifungal and antibacterial properties
  • Helps regulate crumb Glyce
  • Promotes tissue healing, especially in the digestive tract An exceptional blood cleanser and detoxifier
  • Useful for diabetes and hypoglycemia
  • Useful for ulcerated tissue
  • Can be used for candida albicans
  • Helpful for infections and congestion of the respiratory system
  • Helps break down and expel mucus
  • Used as a laxative
  • One of the best herbs for hemorrhoids
  • Very good for healing the intestinal tract
  • Very rich in phytosterols
Botanical name: Glycyrrhiza glabra
Parts used: Root and dried rhizome
Properties: adaptogen, glandular tonic, adrenal stimulant, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antioxidant, antitumor, hepatoprotector, antiulcer (mucoprotector), emollient, immunoregulator, expectorant, antispasmodic, hypertensive, mild laxative, estrogen.
Contraindications: renal failure, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, pregnancy, breastfeeding, prolonged use (or high dose), children under 2 years, hormone-dependent diseases and cancers, cirrhosis of the liver, metabolic syndrome, low libido ( in men) or male sexual dysfunction; take antihypertensives, synthetic hormones, corticosteroids, and several other medications.
  • One of nature's best anti-inflammatory herbs (promotes activity and prostaglandin production).
  • One specific for arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Excellent for any inflammatory, muscular, neuro or other joint condition.
Botanical name: Harpagophytum procumbens
Parts used: tuber
Properties: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, analgesic, antirheumatic, harmless, hepatic
Contraindications: ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, inflammation of the stomach, gallstones, pregnancy, taking anticoagulants / anticoagulants.
  • A powerful regenerator of the nervous system
  • Used for depression, anxiety and irritability.
  • Light plant very useful in seasonal depressions.
  • In the brain, it preserves GABA, the reuptake of serotonin and preserves dopamine.
  • Great for insomnia (insomnia and anxiety are caused by weak adrenal glands)
  • Very useful in headaches and cramps of all types, especially menstrual cramps.
  • Helps reduce pain associated with exertion.
  • Internal socket and external application.
  • Beneficial for sciatica disorders (applied externally in the lower back).
  • Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties: specific for herpes viruses (herpes, shingles, HIV / AIDS)
  • For external use, a superb plant to heal and regenerate tissue.
  • Helps slow healing without leaving a scar.
  • Helps calm the pain.
Botanical name: Hypericum perforatum
Parts used: grass, flowers and upper part 21
Properties: Antidepressant, antineuralgic, vulnerary, relaxant, sedative, antiviral, muscle relaxant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory (external use), hepatic, diuretic, antioxidant, astringent.
Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, major depression (especially in case of suicidal ideation), Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, manic depression, not before surgery, photosensitizer. Taking antidepressants, drugs that act on the serotonin receptors or on the serotoninergic mechanism, antimigraine drugs, anxiolytics, CNS depressants, barbiturates, antipsychotics, analgesics NSAIDs, oral contraceptives, d hormone therapy, anticoagulants / anticoagulants, hypoglycemic drugs, antibiotics and antivirals, chemotherapy and anticancer drugs, and many more.
  • One of nature's most powerful pest control products.
  • This herb kills microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, fungi, etc.) and larger parasites like worms and fluke.
  • Excellent ally for skin problems, fungal and parasitic disorders.
  • When used externally as an ointment, it promotes healing and elimination of stubborn skin problems.
  • Increases the oxygenation of red blood cells.
  • It is a detoxifier used to harmonize blood sugar and disperse fat.
  • Black walnut is excellent for all weak body conditions.
  • Promotes healing of all tissues and is known to be able to restore tooth enamel.
  • Strengthens and stimulates the immune system.
  • Promotes lymphatic movement and intestinal peristalsis.
  • Strengthens bones (rich in calcium)
Botanical name: Juglans nigra
Parts used: nut stain, leaves, bark
Properties: Antiparasitic, antibacterial, virocide, antifungal, laxative, alterative, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, detergent (envelope), healing, vulnerary.
Contraindications: long term use, pregnancy, breastfeeding. May reduce absorption of oral drugs (tannins).
  • One of the most powerful herbs for the kidneys
  • Powerful action on the kidneys; use in moderation if kidneys are damaged.
  • Antiseptic properties; it is very useful in killing fungi, yeasts and bacteria
  • Anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties
  • Reduces infections and the proliferation of parasites in the digestive tract; it is an excellent diuretic, which reduces water retention
  • Helps restore the pancreas; it is beneficial in diabetes and has natural properties of insulin
Botanical name: Juniperus communis
Parts used: generally berries; also leaves and bark
Properties: diuretic, anti-lithiasic, renal drainer, renal depurative, powerful antimicrobial, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, circulatory stimulant, sudorific, emmenagogue, oxytocic, carminative, digestive stimulant.
Contraindications: pregnancy, prolonged use, renal failure, convulsive disorders, gastrointestinal disorders (may further irritate), taking antidiabetic or diuretic.
  • Powerful alterer, very useful in eliminating tumors, boils and abscesses.
  • Has powerful antimicrobial properties (bacteria, viruses and fungi).
  • Against infections of all kinds.
  • Works as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Has analgesic properties.
  • Very useful in conditions of rheumatism and arthritis.
  • Excellent for gout.
  • Stimulates liver function and increases bile production.
  • Useful for all types of rock formations.
  • Conditions of prolapse, especially for the uterus.
  • All kinds of bites.
  • Very useful for all ailments of the stomach and intestines, including hemorrhoids.
Botanical name: Larrea tridentata
Parts used: leaves and small stems
Properties: blood-altering, antibiotic, antiseptic, aromatic bitter.
Contraindications: hepatic or renal disorders, pregnancy, breastfeeding, taking hepatotoxic drugs.
  • A specific for the thyroid gland, especially in case of swelling or in case of goiter.
  • Known to be detoxifying, especially for heavy metals. This herb protects against radiation.
  • Beneficial for cardiac irregularities and palpitations.
  • Improves thyroid and adrenal functions, mainly hyperthyroidism.
  • Strengthens tissues in general.
Botanical name: Lycopus virginicus
Parts used: aerial portions
Properties: peripheral vasoconstrictor, astringent, sedative Anti-gonadotropic drugs, anti-inflammatory, anti-thyrotropic, astringent, cardiac tonic, mild diuretic, narcotic (mild) and sedative.
Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypothyroidism, taking thyroid hormones
  • A sensational herb for the urinary tract and adrenal glands
  • Strengthens and cleanses the bladder and kidneys
  • High in chlorophyll, it therefore enriches the blood and cleanses the lymphatic system while improving movement.
  • Excellent for heavy metals and chemical toxicity
  • Improves the functioning of nerves and heart
  • Increases the blood's ability to carry iron
  • Used to fight infections
  • Used in jaundice and dropsy (edema)
  • Excellent for congestion and upper respiratory infections
  • Also used for conjunctivitis and inflammation of the eyelids
Botanical name: Petroselinum crispum
Parts used: whole grass; leaves, roots and seeds
Properties: diuretic, aperitif, antispasmodic, renal damage, emmenagogue, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, carminative, antiseptic, expectorant.
Contraindications: pregnancy, kidney problems, taking anticoagulants / anticoagulants and diuretics
  • The tumor eliminator; one of the best herbs for abscesses, boils and masses

  • Encourages movement in the lymphatic system

  • Used for enlarged or hardened organs (thyroid, spleen, liver, etc.)

  • Mild heart depressant

  • Particularly effective skin cleanser for eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis

  • Increases the production of bile and digestive juices

  • Promotes kidney functions

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Helps with chronic rheumatism and arthritis

  • Stimulates thyroid and adrenal function

  • Used for all cancers and HIV

Botanical name: Phytolacca americana or P. dencandra


Parts used: roots, berries and leaves


Properties: Alterative, depurative, cathartic, emetic, analgesic, anti-tumor, detergent, anti-rheumatic.



Contraindications: high dose (toxic), pregnancy, breastfeeding, young children, taking medication

  • Has strong astringent properties
  • The tannins in oak bark make it a particularly astringent herb that will come in handy with diarrhea, bleeding, excessive periods or to stop any other bleeding.
  • Increases lymphatic flow and helps reduce swelling of lymph nodes
  • A powerful tissue cleanser when used as a mouthwash, poultice, enema and shower
  • Useful for abscesses and infections of the mouth.
  • Used in the shower for infections and atypical cell formation
  • Fantastic for internal and external bleeding
  • Has diuretic properties, therefore increases urine production
  • Kills and expels small worms (pinworms)
  • Used to remove gallstones and kidney stones
  • Helps cleanse and strengthen the digestive tract, especially with diarrhea
  • Excellent for prolapse disorders including bowel, uterus, bladder, vascular system, etc.
  • Has a powerful effect on tooth enamel and bone growth
  • Useful in case of ulcers, boils, gangrene, tumors, etc.
  • Used for all skin conditions including eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis
  • Effective for hemorrhoids and lesions
  • Used to strengthen arteries, veins and capillaries; is particularly effective for varicose veins and telangiectasias
Botanical name: Quercus alba
Parts used: inner bark, galls and acorns
Properties: astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, hemostatic, deworming.
Contraindications: constipation, iron deficiency anemia, taking alkaloids (prevents absorption), long-term use (may cause constipation.
  • A precious circulatory herb.
  • It is the aid of choice in cases of chronic venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids.
  • 32 Helps remove plaque from the vascular system.
  • Used in case of phlebitis.
  • Tones and strengthens vascular walls.
  • Effective for varicose veins, hemorrhoids and aneurysms.
  • Increases circulation in the body, especially in the periphery (brain, hands and feet).
  • Anti-thrombotic (useful in case of postoperative thrombosis).
  • Strengthens connective tissue and bones.
  • Helps to alkalize the blood.
Botanical name: Ruscus aculaetus
Parts used: rhizome
Properties: venous tonic, vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, lymphatic unblocking.
Contraindications: hypertension, pregnancy, breastfeeding, taking anticoagulants / anticoagulants, taking hypog; ycemic drug
  • One of the most fabulous herbs for the endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, pituitary, etc.)
  • Called "male weed" for its anti-inflammatory and healing effect in the prostate (blocks the production of dihydrotestosterone)
  • Helps in male hormonal balance, useful for women with too high a level of androgens and / or prolactin (polycystic ovary syndrome)
  • Increases sexual functions and libido
  • Beneficial for inflammation of the respiratory system (nose, throat, bronchi and lungs)
  • Has a powerful effect on the adrenal glands, therefore increases neurotransmitters and steroids
  • Help with blood sugar problems that involve the pancreas and adrenals
  • Helps increase urine production and kidney function
  • Useful in urinary tract infections
Botanical name: Serenoa repens 34
Parts used: Berries (fruits)
Properties: Androgenic tonic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, expectorant and fortifying
Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, taking anticoagulant / anticoagulant, synthetic hormones, oral contraceptives.
  • For centuries this herb has been considered a "best healer" nicknamed "bone welder" for its very powerful effect in rebuilding the skeletal structure.
  • Strengthens connective tissues.
  • Useful for hemorrhoids, varicose veins and spider veins, prolapsed conditions (uterus, intestines bladder etc.) muscle degeneration, osteoporosis, hernia, aneurysms, etc.
  • A powerful healer.
  • Do not apply to an open wound where there is a risk of infection, as the infection can get trapped inside.
  • Useful for fractures, bruises, etc.
  • 35 Helps move the lymphatic system.
  • C onsoude is a tonic for the body, strengthening cells and tissues.
  • Regulates bleeding, especially in the digestive tract, urinary tract and lungs.
  • A tonic for the lungs, especially after an infection that has left a lot of inflammation.
  • Excellent as a poultice, helps reduce swelling and accelerate healing Promotes epithelial cell formation.
  • Helps in the formation of collagen fibers, the basis of the structure of all tissues in the human body.
Botanical name: Symphytum officinale
Parts used: leaves, roots (external use only)
Properties: healing, vulnerary, tissue and mucous membrane regenerator (skin, muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, mucous membranes), anti-inflammatory, astringent, remineralizing, mild analgesic, cell proliferation,
Contraindications: internal use, external use on open wounds, pregnancy, breastfeeding, prolonged use.
  • An incredible Brazilian "friend"; a real tonic.
  • Considered one of the best cell proliferators (strengthens cells).
  • Powerful antiviral, in particular against herpesviruses (Herpes simplex, Hepstein-Barr, influenza, HIV / AIDS retrovirus).
  • One of the best herbs against parasites (bacteria, viruses, protozoa)
  • A formidable immune builder.
  • Used especially in cancer.
  • Has a powerful effect on the lymphatic system.
  • Helps remove tumors, boils, abscesses, etc.
  • Used for skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.
  • Considered nutritious and resolving.
Botanical name: Tabebuia impetiginosa.
Parts used: Phloem (internal shell ).
Properties: immunostimulant and immunomodulant, antiviral, antifungal (Candida albicans), anti-parasitic, blood and lymphatic damage, antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, astringent, toning, diuretic, anticoagulant, slightly decongestant.
Contraindications: pregnancy, anticoagulants / anticoagulants, immunosuppressants
  • Another fantastic herb that nature gives us
  • Excellent blood purifier, alterative action of blood, lymph and kidneys
  • Used in all cancers, hormone dependent or not, in particular leukemia
  • Helps dissolve tumors and masses; excellent for abscesses and boils
  • A cleanser and a fortifier for chronic skin disorders: eczema, psoriasis, acne.
  • Excellent for all skin conditions including eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis
  • Strengthens and protects skin tissues by a toning action on collagen fiblers.
  • Alterative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory, it helps musculoskeletal disorders of inflammatory origin.
  • Its mineral contribution calms the nervous system.
Botanical name: Trifolium pratense.
Parts used: Flowers and leaves
Properties: Alterative, anticancer, antitumor, mineralizing, alkalinizing, nutritive, phytoestrogenic, mild antispasmodic, mild expectorant, diuretic,
Contraindications: pregnancy, young children, hormone therapy (estrogen), anticoagulants / blood fluids.
  • A highly nutritious herb with a wide range of properties
  • Has an alkalizing effect throughout the body
  • General tonic: helps to regain vitality, energy, emotional resistance and in the face of stress.
  • Kidney tonic: helps to gently remove metabolic waste, without drainage, which has a beneficial effect on skin health, blood and lymphatic circulation and the vitality of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Its gentle cleansing action makes it an excellent ally in reducing inflammation associated with arthritis, rheumatism, pain and inflammation
  • Due to its alkalizing effect, it neutralizes acids (such as uric and sulfuric acids) Nettle is a powerful anti-allergen.
  • It is used in herbal teas made from the dried leaves for prevention or the fresh plant or liquid concentrate from the fresh plant is used as an antihistamine in times of allergic crisis.
  • Has hemostatic properties (improves coagulation)
  • Nourishes the body; it is particularly rich in potassium and iron (although it is also rich in minerals)
  • Promotes urine flow and is helpful for kidney stones
  • Reduces tissue inflammation Excellent during pregnancy due to its nutritional and anti-abortion properties.
  • Supports breastfeeding.
  • Used for anemia Powerful blood purifier and body regulator
  • Supports the pancreas and helps in better management of gycemia.
  • Helps the parathyroid to better assimilate nutrients.
Botanical name: Urtica dioica
Parts used: leaves, seeds, roots
Properties: General tonic, nutritious, alkalizing, mineralizing, renal impairment, antihistamine (fresh plant), diuretic, anti-anemia, astringent, mild hemostatic (pro-coagulant), anti-inflammatory, galactagogue, anti-rheumatic, improves emotional resistance .
Astringent, diuretic, expectorant, galactagogue, hemostatic, nutritive and tonic
Contraindications: taking anticoagulants / anticoagulants. Be careful with diabetes or high blood pressure (regular intake may require medication adjustment). Be careful with kidney failure.
  • Magnificent tonic for the vascular system.
  • Ideal for varicose veins.
  • Helps reduce inflammation of the vascular walls.
  • Therefore reduces arteriosclerosis (obstruction by lipids).
  • Prevents clotting of platelets.
  • Helps with edema and diarrhea.
  • Helps tone the skin.
  • Helps prevent cataracts and protects eye tissue from the effects of diabetes.
  • Used in formulas to control blood sugar.
  • A formidable anti-inflammatory for all tissues.
  • A powerful aid for vision problems.
Botanical name: Vaccinium myrtillus * Blueberries have the same
properties that blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium or Vaccinium myrtilloides)
Parts used: leaves and fruits Properties: hypoglycemic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, astringent, circulatory tonic, ophthalmic (vasotonic).
Contraindications: caution when taking insulin, anti-diabetics, anticoagulants.
  • An excellent anti-inflammatory (contains steroid compounds) Ideal for gout, rheumatism and arthritis
  • Excellent for prostatitis and cystitis
  • Helps to eliminate pain in inflammatory disorders
  • Used to help break down inorganic compounds stored in tissues and the vascular system, especially calcium.
  • Alkaline and increases the healing potential of the body
Botanical name: Yucca glauca spp.
Parts used: Roots
Properties: alterative, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, laxative
Contraindications: None listed
  • Used as an aid in digestion and circulation.
  • Used to enhance and energize other herbs.
  • Increases peripheral circulation.
  • Fantastic for indigestion and nausea.
  • Increases lymphatic circulation and helps clear mucus from the airways, especially the lungs.
  • Effective for nausea of ​​pregnancy, postoperative nausea and after chemotherapy treatment.
  • Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Prevents blood clots.
  • Helps clear congestion (mucus) in the brain and sinus area.
  • Increases sweating and elimination through the skin
Botanical name: Zingiber officinale
Parts used: dried rhizomes and root
Properties: anti-inflammatory, circulatory stimulant, antiemetic, anti-nausea, digestive stimulant, antiviral, stimulant, carminative, rubefacient, diaphoretic, catalyst
Contraindications: not before surgery, taking anticoagulants / anticoagulants


Address: 5 rue du cumulus
Postal address: J9A3P4
Number: 514-791-4820


> Organic herbs & spices

>   Organic herbs and spices

Ayoub Naturopathe is specialized in naturopathic advice related to herbs, spices and medicinal plants for your health.

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