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Image by Christian Bisbo Johnsen
Reduces the body's acidity level, often due to its mineral content.
  • An excellent alkalizer for the urinary tract.
  • Helps cleanse and remove sediment from the bladder and kidneys.
  • An excellent diuretic.
  • Used for urinary tract infections.
  • Lowers blood pressure when the kidneys are involved
  • Botanical name: Chimaphila umbellata
  • Parts used: Leaves, stems, upper part
  • Properties: Alterative, astringent and diuretic contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • One of the best herbs for weakened bones and connective tissue.
  • Very rich in silica, it facilitates the absorption of calcium and other essential minerals.
  • Strengthens all tissues: hair, nails, deep tissue, bones.
  • Has great healing powers for all tissues in the body.
  • It is used in all situations where there is a need for remineralization: fracture, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, arthritis, osteoporosis, etc.
  • Very good herb for the urinary tract (kidneys and bladder), it tones and heals.
  • Useful for all prolapse problems (bladder, intestine, uterus, veins, skin, etc.)
  • One of the best herbs for increasing the production of platelets by the spleen
  • Very good for prostate weakness and inflammation of the spleen
  • Has diuretic properties, therefore very useful in renal decongestion
  • Parts used: whole plant
  • Properties: mineralizing, tonic for hair, nails and deep tissues, alkalinizing, diuretic, astringent, nutritive, healing, hemostatic, alterative, restorative
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, prolonged use (cumulative toxicity due to inorganic silica), renal failure, children under 6 years old.
  • An excellent alkalizer for the body.
  • Nutritious, rich in minerals and trace elements.
  • Fortifying and invigorating, helps fight against fatigue, asthenia and anemia, in case of lack of vitality.
  • Strengthens bones, nails, hair.
  • It helps clean the floor (excess mucus, inflammation, etc.) and acts as a deodorant.
  • Rich in chlorophyll, it contributes to good blood oxygenation, and cleaning, it facilitates the elimination of metabolic waste.
  • By its remineralizing and alkalizing action, it helps to tone the nervous and endocrine systems.
  • Help for alcohol and drug addiction.
  • By strengthening the body, it helps it to better fight infections.
  • Rich in phytoestrogens, it contributes to a good hormonal balance.
  • Parts used: Whole plant (leaves, seeds and flowers)
  • Properties: Nutritive, alkalizing, mineralizing, general tonic
  • Contraindications: avoid the combination with hormonal treatment and anticoagulants (high dose), lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune diseases.
  • One of nature's best herbs.
  • Tonic for the liver and gallbladder.
  • Helps in pancreatic function.
  • Balancing and regenerating the digestive tract.
  • Toner and cleanser for kidneys and bladder.
  • A very good alkalizer.
  • Effective for various digestive disorders: liver failure, lack of appetite, biliary congestion, gas, hepatitis, jaundice, gallstones.
  • Diuretic and hepatorenal drainer, dandelion facilitates the evacuation of toxins without demineralizing.
  • It can therefore be used over the long term.
  • Useful for the treatment of edema, water retention, insufficiency, lithiasis.
  • Its cleansing and nourishing actions make it a powerful alkalinizer and anti-inflammatory of choice for chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatism, arthritis, bursitis and other muscle and bone pain.
  • Useful for hypercholesterolemia, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and for varicose veins, cellulitis and hemorrhoids.
  • Its action on the liver makes it a good ally in preventing PMS accompanied by acne breakouts.
  • Rich in iron and other minerals that increase the blood's ability to carry oxygen.
  • A natural source of protein.
  • Helps with low blood sugar conditions such as hypoglycemia and diabetes.
Botanical name: Taraxacum officinale
Parts used: whole plant, leaves, roots and flowers
Properties: Bitter tonic, cholagogue, choleretic, pancreatic tonic, eupeptic, nutritious, diuretic (mainly the leaf), hepatorenal drainer (lymphatic decongestant, depurative, detoxifying, antitoxic, deblocking), bifidogen (root), aperitif, glycemoregulator, antihypertogenic.
Contraindications: gallstones (beware!), Taking antihypertensives, diuretics and antacids. May speed up clearance of several drugs


Address: 5 rue du cumulus
Postal address: J9A3P4
Number: 514-791-4820


> Organic herbs & spices

>   Organic herbs and spices

Ayoub Naturopathe is specialized in naturopathic advice related to herbs, spices and medicinal plants for your health.

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